Sunday, September 8, 2024
10 AM
Cleveland Metroparks Polo Field
Woofstock Ramble Parade Kick-Off Time: 11am
*Ramblers, please meet at the main stage at 10 am*
Ramble for Rescues
Individuals and Teams can help raise funds for Rescue Village and have fun by signing up for the traditional Ramble, a fundraising parade that is part of Woofstock’s festivities. Ramblers can fundraise as individuals or teams, with prizes going to the top fundraisers in several categories.
“Ramblers” are individual peer-to-peer fundraisers who commit to raising $100 or more through their circle of family and friends, which allows Rescue Village to help more animals in need.
Ramblers receive:
…but most importantly these individuals help us to save more lives through the peer-to-peer fundraising that they do!
Ramblers receive professional photos of you and your pet!
Rescue Village has a proud history of being a leading animal welfare agency in Northeast Ohio. We do not receive any government funding and rely on the support of our generous community. By attending and fundraising for Woofstock 2024 through the Woofstock Ramble, you will dramatically impact the lives of thousands of animals in our care and help us prevent the suffering of thousands more through prevention efforts.
On Sunday, September 8th, celebrate with thousands of other animal lovers who believe all pets deserve to be loved!
Cleveland Montessori School |
The Crones |
Gates Mills Elementary |
Akron/Canton OGC |
For The Love of Dogs |