
Jeff Wilson's RV Fundraising Page

Rescue Village is an amazing organization that I've come to love so much over the last couple years since I retired. I feel privileged to be a volunteer there working and learning from so many caring, knowledgeable, and dedicated staff and volunteers. Their mission is humane animal care and they strive to be a leader in building and maintaining a humane society. It's such a refreshing environment and one where I truly learn and become a better animal caregiver, and person in general, every time I walk in that building. 

That's the reason I'm asking for your financial support - I believe so much in the people and their work, philosophies, and effort to strengthen animal care, health, and well-being in our community and around the United States. Woofstock is one of RV's largest yearly fundraisers and I urge you to give as much as you can to support their mission.

That's our Maya in the tiny picture above taken during our sheltering at home time this past Spring. She's an RV alum that we adopted nine years ago. And she'd be jealous if she knew I spent several hours a week volunteering at her old stomping grounds providing exercise, play, and love for so many other dogs. But then, I'm sure she knows something's up when I return after a few hours and she can't stop smelling my shoes and pants.

RV has a proud history of being a leading animal welfare agency in Northeast Ohio. They do not receive any government funding and rely solely on the support of our generous community. By attending or simply donating to Woofstock 2020, you will dramatically impact the lives of thousands of animals in our care and help them prevent the suffering of thousands more through prevention efforts.

Thank you so much for supporting me in my fundraising efforts and helping more homeless animals find their forever homes.


Register to attend Woofstock too on one of the Saturdays this Summer. Pre-Registration is Required due to Covid19. You can't just show up this year.

Check out the Rescue Village Website to learn more about this great organization or if you're interested in adopting dogs, cats, farm animals, and more.

Total Raised


of $2,000.00 goal raised
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1 of 68
Community Church of Chesterland
1683 days ago
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Jeffery Wilson
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Butchie Helton
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Ian Wilson
1640 days ago
Joseph Kardamis
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Steve Silver
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Catherine and Elbert Whitright
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Oliverio Family
1640 days ago
From:9/13/2020 10:00 AM
To:9/13/2020 4:00 PM
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